11th World Scout Jamboree Heroes Remembered

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Despite the inclement weather, the National Office of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines spearheaded the wreath-laying ceremony at the Boy Scout Cenotaph (Ala-ala Mausoleum), Manila North Cemetery earlier today, 28 July 2021.

The ceremony was conducted to commemorate the 58th death anniversary of the 24 Scouts and Scouters who died in a tragic plane crash on 28 July 1963 on their way to Marathon, Greece to participate in the 11th World Scout Jamboree.

Picture of Jan Khim Gamora

Jan Khim Gamora

Jan Khim S. Gamora is a Wood Badge Holder and an Eagle Scout Awardee in 2010 with Eagle ID number 17414. He also serves as an executive producer at Pinoy ScouTV.

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